Jes’s Birth Story

My birth was...intense. It wasn't traumatic, but it was intense. But it was everything that I had hoped for. My first labour with my older daughter had me in labour for 3 days and sent home from the hospital twice, I was then medically induced after failure to progress. So this time, I was quite shocked when my labour started coming on thick and fast without any medical interventions.

I was lucky enough to get into the midwife group program which meant I had a known midwife, and she got to know me. My contractions probably started early in the morning when I was 38 weeks pregnant. However after close to 6 months of Branxton hicks I didn't see it for what it was. By dinner time I could tell they were starting to come fairly regularly, so I took my family out to dinner as one last hurrah, and went to bed as per normal. Qt about 1am I got up to go to the toilet and my waters broke, so I called up my midwife Anne who told me to go to maternity and she would meet me there. As soon as I got there I was admitted into the birthing room and was given free reign. I walked around a lot, I used the bars to stretch out my back and I used the big exercise ball.

At some point after maybe two or three hours, Anne asked if I wanted to use the bath, which was my plan all along. I laboured in the bath for the next 3 hours. The contractions were painful but not unbearable. I was trying to picture nice things, mainly past holidays, cocktails and sunbathing. My husband was with me the whole time holding a hot compress on my back and holding my hand.

At some point something in my brain clicked and I decided I couldn't do it any more so I asked for an epidural. My midwife examined me and said I was 9cm and almost ready to push, however I was quite firm and said I wanted it, I had done what I could naturally but it was time. At this point she gave me gas, and the contractions were coming thick and fast. It was really, really painful. She kept her word though, the anaesthetist turned up and prepared then inserted the canula. They gave me a 'walking epi' which meant i still had close to full function of my entire body, and was able to get on all fours on the bed to push.

By the time it came to pushing she was out in three or four contractions, and I didn't tear, I wasn't in any pain and I was able to get up straight away to have a shower.

While the labour was fast, and intense - I was in complete control the whole time. I was being listened to, and my needs were being met. I really wanted to experience a natural birth, and I did, until I couldn't, then I had pain relief. I feel I had the best of both worlds. I got to have my natural birth, but I also had the flexibility to opt out. I really enjoyed my experience, and am proud of myself for getting through so much of it drug free.

Chantal’s Birth Story

Unplanned repeat C section

Wren’s journey was truly a magical one with loads of twists and turns.

Child birth is no joke ladies and gents not only does your body go through tremendous changes you have to make some hard decisions.

The past 9 months I put all my focus and energy into a home birth delivery. Not only a home birth but a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) home birth. I felt after Elias’s journey into the world being so traumatic on me and Ivan I wanted nothing to do with induction or C-section EVER AGAIN…. However little Wren and my body had different plans which turned out magical and super special due to our preparation for it.

After my two completely different birth stories one thing I can say to anyone expecting is this - DO NOT BE AFRAID TO DO RESEARCH 

Knowledge is power and super empowering for you mamas and papas having babies out there!

Even if you plan and your heart is set on one “Birth plan” have the “WHAT IF” planned as well. I truly believe this is the reason why I had such a traumatic first birth was because I didn’t want to even think about the what if’s. I personally thought “dear god if I put a plan together about induction or C-section you’re putting that out in the universe and it’s going to happen”. 


What I failed to understand was that by me doing the plan and researching I would be CALMER/MORE IN CHARGE AND EMPOWERED no matter what happened during birth

After months of planning - hiring a doula - investing in Hypnobirthing and acupuncture-reading as many books as I can on home births and the history of birth it all came crashing down ( so I thought) last Friday when we got news after my ultrasound that little Wren ( not so little LOL) was estimating 11lbs and that I had Polyhydramnios ( excess fluid in the amniotic sac ) which can be fatal to baby if I went into spontaneous labour… getting a phone call from the midwife telling me if my water breaks that I MUST get down on my knees and put my chest to the floor ASAP and call 911 is not something I wanted to hear especially when our plan was NO  TRAUMA  - NO FEAR - NO HOSPITALS

I naturally cried and was completely out of sorts - my head spiralling into terrible crazy scenarios 

My midwife told me she had to schedule a C-section for Monday. That a natural home birth was NO LONGER possible

All my hard work all my mental game and all my knowledge - I felt deflated, defeated and that something was wrong with me!

Why can other women have natural and not me??

What is wrong with my body??

I am not a women if I can’t deliver naturally! ( yes this was my terrible self talk of complete UTTER NONSENSE) … I know this now but then it was real and poor Ivan and my mother had to deal with my hysterical antics for the rest of day

But then I remembered - WHAT THE HECK???!?? I am not letting this news take away the past 9 months of knowledge and mental preparation of having the best birth EVER. I had to look it at it as I have 2 days to prepare for the best damn C-section we can have.

So I started researching what I can do to make this the most enjoyable day of our lives. What was super important to me about home birth and how I can bring this into my C-section

I have a voice and this is MY BIRTH and I need to be vocal of what I NEED.

That’s what we did

We had music

We had skin to skin

No bathing baby as I wanted the vernix on the baby for as long as possible

Delayed cord clamping

Calm and fun- We were laughing and joking in the OR with our amazing team

He needed to be by my side - Ivan was incredible at being calming force


What did we need to make it calm and fun?

Ivan and me talking it out and making a plan like we were teenagers planning an epic sleepover





Packing is our specialty - no joke - always pack more - we would rather have and not need then need and not have 

Of course I was super bummed about not having a “successful VBAC” but what we got instead

The birth that was MEANT for me and Wren to be safe

Another bad ass warrior scar 

A new level of vulnerability and connection between me and Ivan bringing our baby girl to the world

An experience we wanted and wished for.

Laura’s Birth Story

My story could seem as not being the most positive. This is my first baby and I laboured at home for about 50 hours before being admitted to the hospital, where I laboured for another 12.

My wish was to be able to do it unmedicated, but as a first time mom I was also afraid and nervous.

Less than a month before my due date I decided to hire a doula, knowing very little about what they did, and just a week after hiring her I went into labour. We hadn’t met in person yet, only through a couple of video calls.

I can’t imagine my labour without her. She made me and my husband feel so safe, calmed and empowered.

We had fun, we talked, we worked as a team through that whole weekend of contractions. 50 hours of unmedicated labour, the last 12 with only the laughing gas. I was fully present and aware the whole time. In the hospital we made an awesome team with the nurses we were assigned. They were all taking pictures, we continued talking, listening to music and they shared with us how rare it was for them to see such a natural labour process, with no interventions.

I remember how towards the end I went into animal mode and just let my body do what it knew how to do, and I was mind blown by that.

In the end, baby got stuck so in a matter of minutes everything changed, he was born with forceps and I had an episiotomy, but I felt so safe, so heard, so supported that even in those last minutes of stress and chaos I felt happy.

I had never felt so strong and powerful before. It is unreal what our bodies can do!

Brittney’s Home Birth

Atticus Orion Abbott

Born peacefully into my arms at our home on 11/14/22 This birth was the most mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually intense rite of passage. The feeling of absolute euphoria as I caught my son into my own arms can not be matched. I am so grateful for the continual encouragement and support that I received from @daneabbott as he held my hand through the most intense waves of birth, and for @mairadbm_with_woman who was our grounding cord, who sang to me when I needed a shift of energy, and whose faith never wavered that my body and my baby knew exactly how to give birth/be born The last two weeks have been completely consumed by soaking in all of the newborn love and snuggles. We are in total bliss as this new family of 4 (Bari the dog included )!

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