Allowing you to feel calm, confident and in control of your birth choices. As a doula I am here to help you feel at ease during your pregnancy, labour and postpartum period. I give positive reinforcement and assurance in your birthing ability. I help you to prepare emotionally and mentally for labour and motherhood using such techniques as hypnobirthing, visualisation, calm breathing, meditation, positive affirmations, fear release and debrief any previous birth trauma or anxiety. Sometimes all you need is a calm reassuring energy in the room, that’s where I come in.


There are many ways I physically support women and families, during labour I set up your birth environment so it is calm and quiet, I conduct, labour specific acupressure, massage, counter-pressure relief work, rebozo work and many other labour comforts. I work with you through different positions and movements during late pregnancy and labour to encourage optimal positioning and decent of your baby. I am also a spare set of hands to help with siblings, food prep, phone calls any thing else you might need. I am there to physically support you in anyway you need, even if it’s just a hand to hold.


Spiritual support looks different for everyone. Some women have specific support needs based on their culture or religion. Even if you don’t usually view yourself as a spiritual person I believe that every women can access their intuitive ability, this is especially true for birthing women. I can help you to tune into this and encourage you to trust in your body, your baby, your ability and the universe.


This is so important! When it comes to birth we often only often only know what we have seen in movies or heard from friends and family. As your doula I go through childbirth education and birth mapping with you. The medical resources I share are up to date, relevant and peer reviewed. I am here to help you fill in the gaps and answer any questions you may have. We go over the normal processes of birth as well as common variations and complications. I find having this education allows mammas to confidently navigate their birth space no matter the circumstances.